Grant and Contract Accounting (GCA) is a part of Office of Research and Development.
GCA provides central services in support of NJIT's grants and contracts. GCA provides post-award support, complementing pre-award support from the Office of Sponsored Research and Administration.
In coordination with Finance and Control Directorate and SRA, GCA ensures that NJIT grants and contracts are properly budgeted and accounted for, so that NJIT can be reimbursed by sponsors for grant and contract expenses. GCA reviews purchases, student and graduate student employment, and personnel actions to ensure that they are compliant with sponsor regulations. GCA coordinates grant and contract evolutions such as the annual A-133 audit, sponsor reviews and audits, and the triennial Facilities and Administrative Rate Proposal. In addition to these core functions, GCA provides customer services to meet the specific needs of the many grant and contract Principal Investigators and administrative staff at NJIT.